Roald Amundsen and Capt Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition to the South Pole
Roald Amundsen
Roald Amundsen, born in 1872 near Oslo, Norway, left
his mark on the Heroic Era as one of the most
successful polar explorers ever born. His career of
adventure began at the age of 15, originally studying
medicine, but dropping out to go to sea where he soon
moved his way up to the rank of mate. His first
experience in the Antarctic was with Adrien de
Gerlache's 1899 BELGICA EXPEDITION. He became
the first to travel the Northwest Passage, in his ship
Gjoa in 1903-06. After this expedition, plans were
assembled to drift across the North Pole in Nansen's
famous FRAM, but news arrived of Peary's successful
attainment of the pole which caused Amundsen to
make new plans--covert plans--for an expedition to the
Antarctic and the subsequent capture of the South
Pole. On December 14, 1911, Amundsen and four
others stood at the South Pole, a month before Robert
Scott. This expedition was an incredible masterpiece of
The story…
"The North Pole is reached!" was the news that flashed all over the was September 1909
when the news reached Amundsen. The original plan of the FRAM'S third voyage--the exploration
of the North Polar basin--was quickly called off. In order to save the expedition, Amundsen
immediately turned his attention to the South simultaneously emphasizing to his financial
contributors that the FRAM'S Arctic voyage would be, in every way, a scientific expedition and
would have nothing to do with record-breaking. Therefore, as far as the supporters were aware,
Amundsen's Arctic voyage would not be influenced one way or another by Peary's
accomplishment. Since he was so heavily in debt, Amundsen felt his change in plans to head south
and capture the South Pole should be kept a secret. In his own words, Amundsen wrote, "I know
that I have been reproached for not having at once made the extended plan public, so that not only
my supporters, but the explorers who were preparing to visit the same regions might have
knowledge of it. I was well aware that these reproaches would come, and had therefore carefully
weighed this side of the matter". As hinted at, he also felt it important to keep his intentions secret
from his peers. "Nor did I feel any great scruples with regard to the other Antarctic expeditions that
were being planned at the time. I knew I should be able to inform Captain Scott of the extension of
my plans before he left civilization, and therefore a few months sooner or later could be of no great
importance. Scott's plan and equipment were so widely different from my own that I regarded the
telegram that I sent him later, with the information that we were bound for the Antarctic regions,
rather as a mark of courtesy than as a communication which might cause him to alter his programme
in the slightest degree. The British expedition was designed entirely for scientific research. The Pole
was only a side-issue, whereas in my extended plan it was the main object". Amundsen must have
been in a dream world as this simply was not true. Scott's intention to try for the Pole had been
widely publicized and was certainly not a side only need turn to Scott's Antarctic
Expedition announcement in the September 13, 1909, issue of The Times of London.
Amundsen admitted that he was heavily in debt and knew that his best chance of raising money was
to bring off a spectacular triumph. Amundsen wrote, "If at that juncture I had made my intention
public, it would only have given occasion for a lot of newspaper discussion, and possibly have ended
in the project being stifled at its birth. Everything had to be got ready quietly and calmly. My
brother, upon whose absolute silence I could blindly rely, was the only person I let into the secret of
my change of plan, and he did me many important services during the time when we alone shared
the knowledge". The only other man to know of the change in plans was the ship's commander,
Lieutenant Thorvald Nilsen. Amundsen kept his plans so secret that only these two men, along with
Lieutenants Prestrud and Gjertsen (told on the eve of the FRAM'S departure), knew of them before
the FRAM reached Madeira, ostensibly on the way to Buenos Aires and then northwards to the
Arctic; the Madeira trip was supposed to be mainly for the purpose of oceanographical research.
The Norwegians left Christiania on August 9, 1910, eight weeks
after Scott's TERRA NOVA EXPEDITION had departed
Cardiff. On board were 97 Greenland dogs, the key to
Amundsen's success, along with a hut and provisions for two
years in the Antarctic. A month later, on September 6, the
FRAM arrived at Madeira where fresh water and other
provisions were taken on board. A few minor repairs were
made to the ship as the crew enjoyed some free time ashore. On
the evening of the 9th, some three hours before departing for
Antarctica, Amundsen called the crew to his attention. Many of
the men were quite puzzled and unhappy to be interrupted as
they were quickly writing final letters for home. As they came
on deck, Amundsen was standing next to a map of Antarctica
pinned to the mainmast. Amundsen spoke, " is my intention
to sail Southwards, land a party on the Southern continent and
try to reach the South Pole". Gjertsen wrote, "Most stood there
with mouths agape staring at the Chief like so many question
marks". Amundsen personally asked each man if he would like
to join him on this historic journey. The last man to go ashore
was Amundsen's brother, Leon. His charge would be to mail
the men's letters and cable Scott...but not until the beginning of
October when Amundsen knew he would be beyond the point
of recall. Once Amundsen left Madeira, he vanished, bound for
an unknown destination...Scott never dreamt it would be the
Ross Sea. Scott, on board the TERRA NOVA, arrived in
Melbourne on the evening of October 12, 1910. Among the
mail waiting for him was Amundsen's telegram, sent from
Madeira, which came as a complete surprise: "Beg leave inform
you proceeding Antarctic. Amundsen." Although there is no
record of Scott's reaction, Evans later recalled, "we considered
that he [Amundsen] would go to the Pole from the Weddell Sea
side". In London, Sir Clements Markham eagerly put forth his
opinion: "She [the FRAM] has no more sailing qualities than a
haystack. In any case, Scott will be on the ground and settled
long before Amundsen turns up, if he ever does". Markham
gleaned information from his sources in Norway and reported
to the Royal Geographic Society's secretary, on October 15, that
Amundsen had "quietly got a wintering hut made on board and
100 dogs and a supply of tents and sledges. His secret design
must have been nearly a year old. They believe his mention of
Punta Aranas and Buenos Aires is merely a blind, and that he is
going to McMurdo Sound to try to cut out Scott...If I were
Scott I would not let them land, but he is always too good-
natured". Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter, the
general view among those involved in Scott's expedition was
that Amundsen's behavior was underhanded.
It took the FRAM four months to reach the Ross Ice Shelf, on January 14, 1911. Amundsen chose
the Bay of Whales as winter headquarters for a number of reasons. First, they could sail a whole
degree farther south than Scott could hope to get in McMurdo Sound, putting them 60 miles closer
to the Pole; secondly, they could set up their headquarters right on top of their field of work; thirdly,
animal life in the Bay of Whales was extraordinarily rich and offered all the fresh meat the men
required in the form of seals, penguins, etc. Besides, it offered a favorable site for an investigation of
the meteorological conditions in all directions and was very easy to reach by ship. Unloading started
on January 15 with camp established two miles inland. The first sledge was loaded with supplies,
hitched to eight dogs and led away by Amundsen.
For the next three weeks, five sledges, 46 dogs and five men transferred some 10 tons of supplies
daily to base camp. Meanwhile, the carpenter, Jorgen Stubberud, supervised the assembly of the
prefabricated hut. After a visit from Scott's TERRA NOVA, the base camp was christened
Framheim--"The home of Fram"--and the depot-laying journeys began. Within a three-week period,
depots were established at 80°S, 81°S and 82°S...more than a ton and a half of supplies had been
stored within 480 miles of the Pole. On April 21 the sun finally sank and the long winter night
A great deal of work had to be done over the next four months.
FRAM, taken by a
Amundsen was well aware of potential problems brought by nine
crewmember aboard
men cramped into close quarters over the long winter nights so a
strict routine was quickly introduced. Six days a week the men
would rise at 7:30 am, have breakfast, start work at 9:00 and have
lunch at noon. They would return to their work at 2:00 pm and
end at 5:15, with the balance of the day to be used as they pleased.
Each man took his turn as the week's housekeeper emptying
ashtrays, sweeping up and generally keeping the hut clean. Each
man had two hooks on which to hang clothes, while the rest of
their small stuff was kept out of sight in a clothes sack nearby. In
addition to the hut in which they lived, fifteen 16-man tents were
erected to store fuel and supplies. Bjaaland and Hassel built a
Scandanavian staple...a sauna. A bottomless box, on a platform
raised two feet off the ice floor, was built large enough to slip over
the man, allowing only his head to protrude. A tin box, fitted
between the platform and the ice floor, was heated by two paraffin
stoves. As the water boiled, the compartment would fill with
steam. When the man was finished, a rope-and-pulley system
would lift the box clear, exposing a naked man, who then had to
make a dash back to the hut. Exposure to the elements would
quickly seal the pores...the event became a Saturday night ritual.
Over the winter, every man had specific chores. Kristian Prestrud, assisted by Hjalmar Johansen,
made scientific observations; Sverre Hassel, assisted by Helmer Hanssen, was nicknamed the
"Managing Director of Framheim's Coal, Oil and Coke Company Limited", the position responsible
for supplying lamps and heaters with fuel. Johansen packed the sledges with pemmican, chocolate,
milk powder and biscuits. Remodelling and overhauling of the expedition's sledging equipment was
left to the skilled carpenter, Olav Bjaaland, assisted by Jorgen Stubberud. Bjaaland was an expert at
reducing unnecessary weight on the sledges. As well as preparing two sets of skis for each man,
Bjaaland lightened the weight of the sledges by nearly one third. Stubberud achieved similar results
with the sledging cases. When Bjaaland was finished, Hanssen and Oscar Wisting would assemble
the sledge using rawhide lashings. In a tiny snow cave off the main storage room, Wisting spent
most of the winter at a sewing machine where new tents were made, complete with floors, from
weight-saving windcloth. The new tents weighed nearly nine pounds less than the tents brought on
the expedition. The camp's cook was an overweight and jolly man named Adolf Lindstrom.
Lindstrom would rise each morning at 6:00 am to prepare a breakfast of hot buckwheat cakes spread
with whortleberry preserve, plus wholemeal bread enriched with wheatgerm, butter and cheese.
Amundsen said Lindstroms' cakes "slipped down with fabulous rapidity". As for lunch, various
meals were prepared from fresh or frozen seal meat, supplemented with tinned meats by the end of
winter. For dessert, tinned California fruits, tarts, pudding, pies and pastries, all made by Lindstrom,
were served. Supper was seal steak, bread with butter, whortleberry jam and cheese. Coffee was the
staple beverage although brandy was served on Saturday evenings, birthdays and holidays.
Amundsen made certain the food at Framheim was very nutritious since he'd learned first-hand the
effects of scurvy while on the BELGICA EXPEDITION in 1897.
The men actually enjoyed getting together each evening
over supper. Since they had worked in different parts of
the camp during the day, rarely was there a lack of
conversation come evening time. Card games, dart
matches, reading and needlework took place often
around the main table. Occasionally the gramophone
was brought out and a few records played. But, despite
the relative easy passing of winter nights, Amundsen
remained worried about Johansen's quick temper.
Forced abstinence from alcohol made Johansen quite
difficult to deal with at times. To make matters worse,
Johansen had as much experience in polar exploration as
Amundsen; he had been to the Arctic with Nansen.
Johansen felt this put him, at worst, on level par with
Amundsen. And then there was the matter of Robert far had the English advanced? Amundsen
was aware that Scott was using motorized sledges
although he doubted their efficiency. Little did he know
of what was going on at McMurdo Sound.
By August 24 the sun had reappeared and the packed sledges were ready to be taken out
from their underground storage. But two long, frustrating months would pass before the
weather was warm enough for them to start the journey to the Pole. Tensions increased as
each day passed. Amundsen would have the men and dogs prepared for departure only to
cancel at the last moment due to inclement weather. The weather had to be clear for their
first run to the 80°S depot, or there was a real risk of missing it. Finally, on Friday,
September 8, 1911, they sped off across the snow...eight men with sledges pulled by 86
dogs; only Lindstrom was left behind as custodian of Framheim. Amundsen wrote that "the
going was splendid" and they covered 31 miles over the next three days. However, on the
morning of the 11th they awoke to frigid temperatures nearing -70°F. By the next day,
conditions were even worse as the fluid in their compasses froze solid. Amundsen
determined that it was simply too risky to continue on towards the Pole. That evening a
decision was made to make a run for the depot, weather permitting, unload their sledges
and race back to Framheim. The weather co-operated and they arrived at the depot on
Thursday. The next evening Hanssen and Stubberud discovered their heels were frostbitten.
As well, a number of the dogs were suffering from the cold; two of the dogs froze to death
in their sleep. At 7:00 the next morning they set off for Framheim.
They would normally keep in sight of each other but the first two sledges moved so rapidly
that the others were soon left behind. The sledge teams continued to break up, with
Bjaaland and Stubberud reaching Framheim first at 6 pm, followed two hours later by
Amundsen's group. A half an hour after that Hassel arrived and six hours later, at 12:30
am, Johansen and Prestrud finally stumbled into camp. Johansen and Prestrud were totally
exhausted, having found Framheim in the dark and fog only by following the barking of
the dogs. At breakfast the next morning, Amundsen finally succeeded in knocking the chip
off Johansen's shoulder when Amundsen asked why it had taken them so long to make it
back to Framheim. Johansen exploded, angrily accusing Amundsen of panicking and
displaying poor leadership qualities when the group had been allowed to split up. In the
dead silence that followed, Amundsen remained speechless. It was what Amundsen had
always feared--a confrontation with the one man in the expedition with experience to equal
his own. This brought to an end the harmony amongst all the men as Amundsen never
forgave Johansen or spoke to him unless absolutely necessary. Amundsen's excuse to the
others was that Hanssen was suffering too severely from frostbite to linger behind...the
men were not totally convinced.
At noon, Amundsen announced to his men a change in plans. Amundsen would lead
one party to the Pole while Prestrud--with Johansen--would lead a second party to explore
King Edward VII Land. Amundsen's decision was not a revengeful one as he felt that if the
Pole party were not successful, at least there might still be a "first" gained for Norway.
Amundsen then spoke to each man individually (ignoring Johansen), asking for his pledge of
loyalty...all gave it. And so, on October 20, 1911, Amundsen, Bjaaland, Wisting, Hassel and
Hanssen departed on their historic journey to the Pole. Four sledges were used, each pulled
with 13 dogs. They made good progress, other than a little trouble with crevasses, and
arrived at 80°S depot on the 24th. They uncovered the provisions and gave the dogs a feast
of seal meat and blubber. The next day the party left with all five men on skis. On the way
south, they spotted a cairn still standing as they had built it the prior April. Thus proving
reliability, another 150 similar cairns were built on the journey south, each left with a written
record inside stating the distance and bearing to the next cairn. Each day, as they built their
cairn, lunch was eaten..."nothing very luxurious", wrote Amundsen, "three or four dry
oatmeal biscuits, that was all. If one wanted a drink, one could mix snow with the biscuit".
They arrived at 82°S depot on November 4. Two days later they left...they were
accomplishing 20 miles each day, in only five hours, after which they would build their cairn,
in an hour and a half, and then rest for the remainder of the day. On November 11 the
peaks of mountains were seen in the distance, which Amundsen later named Queen Maud's
Range, after the Queen of Norway. At the foot of the range they camped and discussed
strategy for the final push to the Pole, some 340 miles distant. The final plan was to take
supplies and provisions for 30 days, along with the remaining 42 dogs, and make the climb.
After reaching the top, 24 of the dogs would be shot, since they would no longer be needed,
using the remaining 18 in the final dash for the Pole. Once reached, six more would be
slaughtered to provide food for the remaining twelve on the trip back to Framheim. On
November 17 they started the climb up the Axel Heiberg Glacier. The weather was warm
and the climb even better as they covered 11.5 miles before making camp at 2000 feet. Four
days later, on November 21, they found themselves at the summit. They'd managed to carry
a ton of supplies to an altitude of 10,000 feet. Twenty-four dogs were shot and the party
stayed at "The Butcher's Shop", as it was now called, for four more days before heading off
into a raging blizzard. They had already waited two days longer than planned so they had no
choice but to push on. For the next ten days they struggled, five men and 18 dogs, against
driving snow in 35 mph winds and thick fog. At last they reached the plateau, only to be
confronted by "The Devil's Ballroom", a glacier with a thin crust of snow covering a number
of dangerous, deep crevasses. This proved to be the last major obstacle.
On December 8, with the sun shining brightly, they passed
Shackleton's farthest south, 88°23'S. They were only 95 miles
from the South Pole. The dogs were hungry and exhausted, the
men had many sores and frostbitten faces, yet still the party
pushed on. The closer they came to the Pole, the more
Amundsen worried that Scott had already beaten them. The
temptation to race on, at full speed, was shared by everyone. At
3:00 pm, on Friday, December 14, 1911, there was a
simultaneous cry of "Halt!" as the sledge meters registered their
arrival at the South Pole. They had achieved their goal. Symbolic
of their struggle in unity, each of the men, with their weathered
and frostbitten hands, grasped the Norwegian flag and planted it
firmly at the geographical South Pole. Amundsen named the
plain King Haakon VII's Plateau. There were festivities in the
tent that evening with each man sharing a little seal meat. At
midnight observations were taken that put them at 89° 56'S.
Arrangements were now made to encircle the camp with a radius
of approximately twelve and a half miles.
At noon, on December 17, the observations had been completed and it was certain the men had
done all that could be done. In order to come a few inches closer to the actual Pole, Hanssen and
Bjaaland went out four geographical miles and promptly returned. Bjaaland surprised Amundsen
when he pulled out a cigar-case full of cigars at dinner. A cigar at the Pole! Following the festival
dinner, preparations for departure began. A tent was erected, naming it Poleheim, with Amundsen
leaving a message inside for Scott, along with a letter for King Haakon. Thirty-nine days later the
party returned to Framheim, as planned, with all five men and 11 dogs "hale and hearty". The
month-long voyage back to Tasmania was a frustrating time for Amundsen, who was now quite
anxious to be the first to announce the news of their achievement. On March 7, 1912, Amundsen
finally cabled his brother Leon with the historic news.
Robert Falcon Scott
Robert Falcon Scott CVO (6 June 1868 - c. 29 March 1912) was a Royal Navy officer and explorer
who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions: the Discovery Expedition, 1901-04, and the ill-
fated Terra Nova Expedition, 1910-13. During this second venture, Scott led a party of five which
reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912, only to find that they had been preceded by Roald
Amundsen's Norwegian expedition. On their return journey, Scott and his four comrades all
perished from a combination of exhaustion, starvation and extreme cold.
Before his appointment to lead the Discovery Expedition, Scott had followed the conventional
career of a naval officer in peacetime Victorian Britain, where opportunities for career advancement
were both limited and keenly sought after by ambitious officers. It was the chance for personal
distinction that led Scott to apply for the Discovery command, rather than any predilection for
polar exploration. However, having taken this step, his name became inseparably associated with
the Antarctic, the field of work to which he remained committed during the final twelve years of
his life.
Following the news of his death, Scott became an iconic British hero, a status maintained for more
than 50 years and reflected by the many permanent memorials erected across the nation. In the
closing decades of the 20th century, the legend was reassessed as attention focused on the causes of
the disaster that ended his and his comrades' lives, and the extent of Scott's personal culpability.
Terra Nova expedition
It was the expressed hope of the RGS that this expedition would be "scientific primarily, with
exploration and the Pole as secondary objects" but, unlike the Discovery Expedition, neither they
nor the Royal Society were in charge this time. In his expedition prospectus, Scott stated that its
main objective was "to reach the South Pole, and to secure for the British Empire the honour of this
achievement". Scott had, as Markham observed, been "bitten by the Pole mania".
Scott did not know that he would be in a race until he received Amundsen's telegram in Melbourne,
in October 1910. Before this, he had set about fashioning the expedition according to his own
preferences, without the restraints of a joint committee. So far as transport was concerned, he
decided that dogs would be one element in a complex strategy that also involved horses and motor
sledges, and much man-hauling. Scott knew nothing of horses, but felt that as they had seemingly
served Shackleton well, he ought to use them. Dog expert Cecil Meares was going to Siberia to select
the dogs, and Scott ordered that, while he was there, he should deal with the purchase of
Manchurian ponies. Meares was not an experienced horse-dealer, and the ponies he chose proved
mostly of poor quality, and ill-suited to prolonged Antarctic work. Meanwhile, Scott spent time in
France and Norway, testing motor-sledges, and recruited Bernard Day, from Shackleton's
expedition, as his motor expert.
Scott, writing his journal in the Cape Evans hut, winter 1911
The expedition itself suffered a series of early misfortunes, which hampered the first season's work
and impaired preparations for the main polar march. On its journey from New Zealand to the
Antarctic, Terra Nova was trapped in pack ice for 20 days, far longer than other ships had
experienced, which meant a late-season arrival and less time for preparatory work before the
Antarctic winter. One of the motor sledges was lost during its unloading from the ship, disappearing
through the sea ice. Deteriorating weather conditions and weak, un acclimatized ponies affected the
initial depot-laying journey, so that the expedition's main supply point, One Ton Depot, was laid 35
miles (56 km) north of its planned location at 80° S. Lawrence Oates, in charge of the ponies,
advised Scott to kill ponies for food and advance the depot to 80° S, which Scott refused to do.
Oates is reported as saying to Scott, "Sir, I’m afraid you’ll come to regret not taking my advice." Six
ponies died during this journey either from the cold or because they slowed the team down so they
were shot. On its return to base, the expedition learned of the presence of Amundsen, camped with
his crew and a large contingent of dogs in the Bay of Whales, 200 miles (320 km) to their east.
Scott refused to amend his schedule to deal with the Amundsen threat, writing, "The proper, as well
as the wiser course, is for us to proceed exactly as though this had not happened". While
acknowledging that the Norwegian's base was closer to the pole and that his experience as a dog
driver was formidable, Scott had the advantage of travelling over a known route pioneered by
Shackleton. During the 1911 winter his confidence increased; On 2 August, after the return of a
three-man party from their winter journey to Cape Crozier, Scott wrote, "I feel sure we are as near
perfection as experience can direct".
Journey to the Pole
The march south began on 1 November 1911, a caravan of mixed transport groups (motors, dogs,
horses), with loaded sledges, travelling at different rates, all designed to support a final group of four
men who would make a dash for the Pole. Scott had earlier outlined his plans for the southern
journey to the entire shore party, without being specific about precise roles - no one knew who
would form the final polar team. During the journey, Scott sent a series of conflicting orders back to
base concerning the future use of the expedition's dogs, leaving it unclear whether they were to be
saved for future scientific journeys or were to assist the polar party home. Scott's subordinates back
at base were unsure of Scott's intentions, and consequently failed to use the dogs in a concerted
attempt to relieve the returning polar party when the need arose.
The southbound party steadily reduced in size as successive support teams turned back. By 4 January
1912, the last two four-man groups had reached 87° 34′ S.[65] Scott announced his decision: five
men (Scott, Edward Wilson, Henry Bowers, Lawrence Oates and Edgar Evans) would go forward,
the other three (Teddy Evans, William Lashly and Tom Crean) would return. The chosen group
marched on, reaching the Pole on 17 January 1912, only to find that Amundsen had preceded them
by five weeks. Scott's anguish is indicated in his diary: "The worst has happened"; "All the day
dreams must go"; "Great God! This is an awful place".
Last march
Scott's group took this photograph of themselves using a string to operate the shutter on 17 January
1912, the day after they discovered Amundsen had reached the pole first.
The deflated party began the 800-mile (1,300 km) return journey on 19 January. "I'm afraid the
return journey is going to be dreadfully tiring and monotonous", wrote Scott on the next day.
However, the party made good progress despite poor weather, and had completed the Polar Plateau
stage of their journey, approximately 300 miles (500 km), by 7 February. In the following days, as the
party made the 100-mile (160 km) descent of the Beardmore Glacier, the physical condition of
Edgar Evans, which Scott had noted with concern as early as 23 January, declined sharply. A fall on
4 February had left Evans "dull and incapable", and on 17 February, after a further fall, he died near
the glacier foot.
With 400 miles (670 km) still to travel across the Ross Ice Shelf, the party's prospects steadily
worsened as, with deteriorating weather, frostbite, snow blindness, hunger and exhaustion, they
struggled northward. On 16 March, Oates, whose condition was aggravated by an old war-wound to
the extent that he was barely able to walk, voluntarily left the tent and walked to his death. Scott
wrote that Oates' last words were "I am just going outside and may be some time".
After walking a further 20 miles, the three remaining men made their final camp on 19 March, 11
miles (18 km) short of One Ton Depot, but 24 miles (38 km) beyond the original intended location
of the depot. The next day a fierce blizzard prevented their making any progress. During the next
nine days, as their supplies ran out, with frozen fingers, little light, and storms still raging outside the
tent, Scott wrote his final words, although he gave up his diary after 23 March, save for a final entry
on 29 March, with its concluding words: "Last entry. For God's sake look after our people". He left
letters to Wilson's mother, Bowers' mother, a string of notables including his former commander Sir
George Egerton, his own mother and his wife. He also wrote his "Message To The Public",
primarily a defence of the expedition's organization and conduct in which the party's failure is
attributed to weather and other misfortunes, but ending on an inspirational note, with these words:
We took risks, we knew we took them; things have come out against us, and therefore
we have no cause for complaint, but bow to the will of Providence, determined still to
do our best to the last ... Had we lived, I should have had a tale to tell of the
hardihood, endurance, and courage of my companions which would have stirred the
heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale,
but surely, surely, a great rich country like ours will see that those who are dependent
on us are properly provided for.
Scott is presumed to have died on 29 March 1912, possibly a day later. The positions of the bodies
in the tent when it was discovered eight months later suggested that Scott was the last of the three to
Map of South
Recommended reading/Reference
a. The last place on earth by Roland Huntford
b. Race to the end: Amundsen, Scott, and the attainment of the South Pole by MacPhee,
Ross .
c. Antarctic Destinies: Scott, Shackleton and the Changing Face of Heroism by Barczewski,
Stephanie (2007).
TV Series( 7 Episodes): The last place on earth
Written by Kevin Mc Corry and Directed by Ferdinand Fairfax
*ng Martin Shaw, Sverre Ousdal and Hugh Grant.